

《烏云背后的幸福線》根據(jù)Matthew Quick的同名小說處女作改編。男主人公帕特(布萊德利·庫珀 飾)是一個超級樂觀的高中歷史老師,他似乎總能看到人生的光明面,影片的片名就是來自于他的口頭禪“every cloud has a silver lining”(直譯:每朵烏云背后都有陽光;意譯:山窮水復疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。)

雖然他因神經(jīng)疾病在醫(yī)院住了四年之后剛剛出院,老婆也跟別人跑了,但是他始終以這句古來的格言為信念。他對和妻子重修舊好充滿信心,因此他搬回原來的住所,并努力把自己打造成妻子期望的形象。但最后還是敗下陣來。后來帕特遇到了蒂凡尼(詹妮弗·勞倫斯 飾),這位年輕的美人生活也很不如意,兩個失意的人在一起艱難地探索人生,日復一日的交集相處下,他們之間的關(guān)系也開始產(chǎn)生了微妙的變化……


1、When life is at this moment to begin your favor, if you do not respond to is a crime


2、I love you, in the first seconds I met you will know, I'm sorry it took so long time to recover this feeling, I just stuck with life.


3、You know, I thought you happened to me is the most beautiful thing. But now I know you may be the worst.


4、The only way you could meet my crazy was by doing something crazy yourself.


5、True love is about letting her go and seeing if she returns.


6、I hate my illness and I want to control it. This is what I believe to be true: You have to do everything you can and if you stay positive you have a shot at a silver lining.


7、My heart always has a dark place, but I love it, you fucking dare say so?


Dr.Patel: True love is about letting her go and seeing if she returns.。.

Pat: I'm ready! I'm motivated, I don't feel so angry all the time。

Dr. Patel: Pat, you have to have a strategy。

Pat: I hate my illness and I want to control it. This is what I believe to be true: You have to do everything you can and if you stay positive you have a shot at a silver lining。

Pat Sr.: Everybody?

Tiffany: I was very dePssed after Tommy died。

Pat Sr.: You don't have to talk about it。

Tiffany: Thanks。

Pat Sr.: How many were there?

