1. A class B network on the internet has a subnet mask of, what is the maximum number of hosts per subnet .
a. 240 b. 255 c. 4094 d. 65534
2. What is the difference: between o(log n) and o(log n^2), where both logarithems have base 2 .
a. o(log n^2) is bigger b. o(log n) is bigger
c. no difference
3. For a class what would happen if we call a class’s constructor from with the same class’s constructor .
a. compilation error b. linking error c. stack overflow d. none of the above
4. “new” in c++ is a: .
a. library function like malloc in c
b. key word c. operator
d. none of the above
5. Which of the following information is not contained in an inode .
a. file owner b. file size
c. file name d. disk address
6. What’s the number of comparisons in the worst case to merge two sorted lists containing n elements each .
a. 2n b.2n-1 c.2n+1 d.2n-2
7. Time complexity of n algorithm T(n), where n is the input size ,is T(n)=T(n-1)+1/n if n>1 otherwise 1 the order of this algorithm is .
a. log (n) b. n c. n^2 d. n^n
8. The number of 1’s in the binary rePsentation of 34096+ 15256+516+3 are .
a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 12