關(guān)于Letters to Juliet觀后感的范文


 I really don’t like to stay late writing but I do have theimpulsetorecordmyfeelings right now inspired by the movie---Letters to Juliet. Istrongly recommend everyone believing in love to watch this lovelymovie and u won’t be regretOf course, I recommend it not because I happened to visitthe beautiful town Verona where our story starts, but because it tells us what if is totallya nonsense phrase. Love the one u love and seize the love u want.Dun let it slip away and regret in the rest of yourlife.This movie has a very touching dialogue at the end andI m showing it to u as follows: “what” and “if” are two words asnon-threatening as words can be. But put them together, side byside, and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of yourlife. What if?

what if? I dont know how your story ended, but ifwhat you felt then was true love , then its never too late. If itwas true then, why wouldnt it be true now? You need only thecourage to follow your heart. I dont know what a love likeJuliets feels like, a love to leave loved ones for ,a love tocross ocean for, but Id like to be believe, if I ever were to feelit, that Id have the courage to seize it. And, if you didnt, Ihope one day that you will.Is there anyone u r loving or have strong feelingsabout? Then go after him/her. Love shouldnt been constrained bywhat so-called realistic problems, and love should be pure andclean. That is what lovereallyis

